Benin Middle Period Head uhunmwun-elao

Benin Middle Period Bronze Head - now in the collection of the Private Collection - image 1

Edo peoples, court of Benin, Nigeria
Bronze, iron
16th-17th century
Height: 29.2 cm

Private Collection, United Kingdom
Margaret Webster Plass, London and Philadelphia
Nelson-Atkins Museum, Kansas City
Entwistle, London
George and Rosemary Lois, New York

Selected Exhibition History
1 December 1947-31 January 1948, London, Berkeley Galleries, Ancient Benin
21 June-20 July 1949, London, Royal Anthropological Institute, Traditional Art of the British Colonies
1951, London, Colonial Office at the Imperial Institute, Traditional Art from the Colonies
1953, London, King Edward VII Galleries, British Museum, The Webster Plass Collection of African Art
17 September 2004 -2 January 2005, New York, Museum for African Art, Material Differences. Art and Identity in Africa
26 February-3 June 2012, Zürich, Museum Rieberg, Helden: Ein neuer Blick auf die Kunst Afrikas

Selected Publication History
Berkeley Galleries, Ancient Benin, London, 1947, cover and cat 14
William Fagg, The Webster Plass Collection of African Art, London, 1953, pl XXVI, cat 81
Frank Herreman, ed., Material Differences, Art and Identity in Africa, New York, 2003, p 8, cat 1
Alisa LaGamma, Heroic Africans: Legendary Leaders, Iconic Sculptures, New York, 2011, pp 24-25, cat 17

Acquired from Entwistle by
Private Collection