Djenné Terracotta Couple kordo

Djenné Terracotta Couple - now in the collection of the Private Collection - image 1

Djenné peoples, Djenné, Mali
Ceramic terracotta
Ca. 13th - 16th century
Height: 25 cm

Hubert Goldet, Paris
Entwistle, London (acquired by 1978)
Joseph Casier, Izegem, Belgium (acquired from the above)
Entwistle, London (acquired from the above)
Daniel and Marian Malcolm, Tenafly, New Jersey (acquired from the above, 1996)

Selected Exhibition History
10 December, 1984 - 12 May, 1985, Munich, Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde, Afrikanische Keramik: Traditionelle Handwerkskunst südlich der Sahara
16 June - 15 September, 1985, Düsseldorf, Hetjens-Museum, Deutsches Keramikmuseum, Afrikanische Keramik: Traditionelle Handwerkskunst südlich der Sahara
May 1990, Rome, Centre Culturel Français, Terra d'Archeologia: la grande scultura in terracotta del Mali
10 February 10 - 5 September, 2004, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Echoing Images: Couples in African Sculpture

Selected Publication History
Werner Gillon, Collecting African Art, London, 1979, p. 23, pl. IV and back cover
Arnulf Stössel, Afrikanische Keramik: Traditionelle Handwerskunst südlich der Sahara, Munich, 1984, pp. 164 and 194, cat. 19, pl. 4 
Jacques Kerchache, Jean-Louis Paudrat and Lucien Stéphan, L'Art africain, Paris, 1988, p. 58, fig. 14
Jacques Kerchache, Jean-Louis Paudrat and Lucien Stéphan, Art of Africa, Paris and New York, 1988, p. 58, fig. 14
Jacques Kerchache, Jean-Louis Paudrat and Lucien Stéphan, Die kunst des Schwarzen Afrika, Freiburg, 1989, p. 56, fig. 14
Bernardo Bernardi and Bernard de Grunne, Terra d'Africa, Terra d'Archeologia: la grande scultura in terracotta del Mali, Rome, 1990, p. 49, fig. 17
Alissa LaGamma, Echoing Images: Couples in African Sculpture, New York, 2004, p. 8, pl. 1 
Ivan Bargna, L'arte africana, la grande storia dell'arte, Florence, 2006, p. 224, cat. 15
Bernard de Grunne, Djenné-Jeno: 1000 Years of Terracotta Statuary in Mali, Brussels, 2014, p. 291, pl. 213
Heinrich Schweizer, Visions of Grace: 100 Masterpieces from the Collection of Daniel and Marian Malcolm, Milan, 2014, p. 21, cat. 2

Acquired from Entwistle by
Private Collection