Easter Island Male Figure
moai kavakava

Easter Island Male Figure - now in the collection of the Private Collection - image 1

Easter Island, Polynesia
Wood (Toromiro - Sophora toromiro), obsidian, shell
Late 18th century
Height: 42.5 cm

Reportedly collected by an officer on Captain James Cook’s voyage to Easter Island on HMS Resolution in 1774 (George Bennett)
Hornby Castle, Yorkshire (Dukes of Leeds and descendants)
Dr. Stéphen Chauvet, Paris (before 1935)
Maurice Ratton, Paris
Alain Schoffel, Paris
J.J. Klejmann, New York
George and Rosemary Lois, New York

Selected Publication History
Stephen Chauvet, L’Ile de Paques et ses Mystères, Paris, 1935,
pl XLVI, figs 126 and 127

Acquired from Entwistle by
Private Collection