Fang Maternity Figure éyéma-o-byéri

Fang Maternity Figure - now in the collection of the Private Collection - image 1

Fang peoples, Gabon
19th Century
Height: 55.8 cm

Georges de Miré, Paris
Hôtel Drouot, Paris, "Collection G. de Miré", 16 December 1931,
Lot 47
André Level, Paris
Private Collection, France

1930, Paris, Galerie du Théâtre Pigalle, Afrique-Océanie
21 November 1991-15 April 1992, Paris, Musée Dapper, Fang
4 October 1995-21 January 1996, London, Royal Academy of Arts, Africa: The Art of a Continent
2 October 2007-2 March 2008, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Eternal Ancestors. The Art of the Central African Reliquary
25 January-25 May 2009, Basel, Switzerland, Fondation Beyeler, Bildwelten. Afrika, Ozeanien und die Moderne

Michel Leiris and Jacqueline Delange, Afrique Noire: La Création Plastique, Paris, 1967, p 107, fig 103
Louis Perrois, La Statuaire Fang, Gabon, Paris, 1972, p 67, pl 5,
fig 51
Warren M. Robbins and Nancy Ingram Nooter, African Art in American Collections, Washington, D.C., 1989, fig 849
Philippe Laburthe-Tolra and Christiane Falgayrettes-Leveau, Fang, Paris, 1992, fig 136
Tom Phillips, Ed, Africa: The Art of a Continent, Munich/New York, 1995, p 4, cat 93
Alisa LaGamma, Eternal Ancestors: The Art of the Central African Reliquary, New York, 2007, p 141, cat 10
Oliver Wick and Antje Denner, Bildgewaltig: Afrika, Ozeanien und die Moderne, Basel, 2009, Section V, no7
François Neyt, Fleuve Congo, Paris, 2010, p 142, fig 84

Acquired from Entwistle by
Private Collection