Luba Ceremonial Bow Stand

Luba Ceremonial Bow Stand - now in the collection of the Private Collection - image 1

Attributed to The Master of Warua
Luba peoples, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Wood, metal
Circa 1880 AD
Height: 64.4 cm

Georges de Miré, Paris
Hotel Drouot, Paris, Collection G. de Miré, May 7th, 1931
André Lefèvre, Paris (acquired at the above auction)
René Mendès-France, Paris
Morris Pinto, Paris and New York
Sotheby's London, June 16th, 1980, lot 198
Carlo Monzino, Lugano (purchased at the above auction)
Private Collection (by inheritance from the above)
Entwistle, London
Private Collection

Selected Exhibition History
1986 New York, The Center for African Art, African Aesthetics: The Carlo Monzino Collection
1995 London, The Royal Academy, Africa: The Art of a Continent
1996 New York, The Museum for African Art, Memory: Luba Art and the Making of History
2001 Brussels, Espace Culturel BBL, Mains de Maîtres/Masterhands: À la Découverte des Sculpteurs d’Afrique
2008-2009 Houston, The Menil Collection, Houston, TX, Art and Power in the Central African Savanna: Luba, Songye, Chokwe, Luluwa

Selected Publication History
Egidio Cossa and Jean-Louis Paudrat, eds., Passion d'Afrique: L'Art Africain dans les Collections Italiennes, Milan, 2009, p 70, pl 23
Bernard de Grunne, Mains de Maîtres/Masterhands: À la Découverte des Sculpteurs d’Afrique, Brussels, 2001, p 216, cat 71
Bernard de Grunne, 'Supra Verum: An African Polykleitos among the Luba', in: Christie's London, The Exceptional Sale 2015, 9 July, 2015, Lot 110
Jacques Kerchache, Jean-Louis Paudrat, Lucien Stephan, Art of Africa, New York, 1993, pl 193
Susan Mullin Vogel, African Aesthetics: The Carlo Monzino Collection, New York, 1986, pp 173-174
Mary Nooter Roberts et al, Memory: Luba Art and the Making of History, New York, 1996, cat 99
Constantin Petridis, Art and Power in the Central African Savanna: Luba, Songye, Chokwe, Luluwa, Brussels, 2008, p 38, cat 14
Tom Phillips, ed., Africa: The Art of a Continent, London, 1995,
p 290, cat 4.62

Acquired from Entwistle by
Private Collection

Luba Ceremonial Bow Stand - now in the collection of the Private Collection - image 1 Luba Ceremonial Bow Stand - now in the collection of the Private Collection - image 2 Luba Ceremonial Bow Stand - now in the collection of the Private Collection - image 3