Nukuoro Standing Figure dinonga eidu

Nukuoro Standing Figure dinonga eidu - now in the collection of the Private Collection - image 1

Nukuoro Island, Pohnpei State, Caroline Islands Archipelago, Federated States of Micronesia
Wood - breadfruit (Artocarpus incisus)
18th-19th century
Height: 40 cm

Sir Thomas and Baroness Anna Brassey, London (collected on the yacht ‘Sunbeam’ before 1883)
Hastings Museum, East Sussex, England (by bequest from the above, 1919)
James Hooper, Arundel (reputedly by exchange in the 1940’s)
Marie-Ange Ciolkowska, Paris
Entwistle, London [A069]
George Ortiz, Geneva (acquired from the above in 1984)

Selected Exhibition History
February-April 1993, Saint Petersburg, The State Hermitage Museum, The George Ortiz Collection: Antiquities from Ur to Byzantium
May - June 1993, Moscow, The Puschkin State Museum of Fine Arts, The George Ortiz Collection: Antiquities from Ur to Byzantium
January-April 1994, London, Royal Academy of Arts, In Pursuit of the Absolute: Art of from Ancient World from the George Ortiz Collection
27 September-12 November, 1995, Barcelona, Fundacion ‘La Caixa’, Els Moai de l'Illa de Pasqua: art i cultures als Mars del Sud
March-June1996, Berlin, Altes Museum, Faszination der Antike - The George Ortiz Collection

Selected Publication History
Bryce Wright, A Catalogue RaisonnĂ© of the Natural History, Ethnographical Specimens and Curiosities Collected by Lady Brassey during Voyages of the ‘Sunbeam’, 1876-1883, London, 1885, p. 60, no. 501
Catalogue of the Brassey Collection at 24 Park Lance, London, ca. 1887, no. E257
James Hooper and Cottie Burland, The Art of Primitive Peoples, London, 1953, p. 134, Pls. 48 a & b
LluĂ­s Monreal et al, Els Moai de l'illa de Pasqua, Barcelona, 1995, cat. no. 50, pp. 165-170, pl. 204 and p. 247
George Ortiz, 1994, In Pursuit of the Absolute. Art of the Ancient World from the George Ortiz Collection, Revised Edition, Bern, 1996, Cat. 280

Acquired from Entwistle by
Private Collection

Nukuoro Standing Figure dinonga eidu - now in the collection of the Private Collection - image 1 Nukuoro Standing Figure dinonga eidu - now in the collection of the Private Collection - image 2 Nukuoro Standing Figure dinonga eidu - now in the collection of the Private Collection - image 3 Nukuoro Standing Figure dinonga eidu - now in the collection of the Private Collection - image 4