Punu Mask okuyi

Punu Mask - now in the collection of the Private Collection - image 1

Punu peoples, South Gabon
Wood, kaolin (pembe), pigmentation
19th Century
Height: 31 cm

Bruno Lorenzelli, Milan (acquired in Paris before 1965)
Private European Collection

Selected Exhibition History
2009 Basel, Switzerland, Fondation Beyeler, Bildgewaltig: Afrika, Ozeanien und die Moderne

Selected Publication History
Vittorio Carini, A Hidden Heritage : Sculture Africane in Collezioni Private Italiane, Milano, 2004, p 239, fig 240
Egidio Cossa and Jean-Louis Paudrat, Passion d’Afrique : L’Art Africain dans les Collections Italiennes, Milan, 2009, p 150, fig 102
Louis Perrois and Charlotte Grand-Duffay, ‘The White Masks of Gabon’, in : Art Tribal, Spring/Summer 2005, No 8, p 109, pl 2
Louis Perrois and Charlotte Grand-Dufay, Punu, Milan, 2008, pl 3
Oliver Wick and Antje Denner, Bildgewaltig: Afrika, Ozeanien und die Moderne, Basel, 2009, pl III, cat 28
Bérénice Geoffroy-Schneiter, ‘A High-Tension Aesthetic Experience: Visual Encounters at the Beyeler Foundation’, in: Tribal Art, Spring 2009, No 51, p. 55 [illust.]
François Neyt, Fleuve Congo, Paris, 2010, pl 198

Acquired from Entwistle by
Private Collection