Sakalava Mortuary Post Figural Couple
aloala or hazomanga

Sakalava Mortuary Post Figural Couple - now in the collection of the The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York - image 1

Sakalava peoples, Menabe region, Madagascar
Wood, pigment
17th - late 18th century
Height: 99.06 cm

Emile Heymann, Paris
Joseph Brummer, Paris
Carl Reininghaus, Austria
Sir Jacob Epstein, London
Charles Ratton, Paris
Carlo Monzino, Lugano-Castagnola, Switzerland
Entwistle, London
Permanent collection, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York [Inv. No. 2001.408]

Selected Exhibition History
25 March-23 April 1960, London, The Arts Council of Great Britain, The Epstein Collection of Primitive and Exotic Sculpture
7 May-7 September 1986, New York, The Center for African Art, African Aesthetics: The Carlo Monzino Collection
15 July-29 October 1989, Florence, Forte di Belvedere, La Grande Scultura dell'Africa Nera
4 October 1995-21 January 1996, London, Royal Academy of Arts, Africa: The Art of a Continent
2 October 2003-15 February 2004, Turin, Galleria d'Arte Moderna GAM, Africa. Capolavori da un continente

Selected Publication History
André Warnod, 'Arts Décoratifs et Curiosités Artistiques', in: Comoedia, Paris, 27 juin 1911
André Warnod, 'Arts Décoratifs et Curiosités Artistiques', in: Comoedia, Paris, 2 janvier 1912
Carl Einstein, Negerplastik, Leipzig, 1915, pl. 7-11
Adolphe Basler, L’Art chez les Peuples Primitifs, Paris, 1929, Fig. 4
Paul Guillaume and Thomas Munro, La Sculpture Negre Primitif, Paris, 1929, Fig. 42
William Fagg, The Epstein Collection of Tribal and Exotic Sculpture, London, 1960, Pl. III, Fig. 45
William Fagg and Margaret Webster Plass, African Sculpture: An Anthology, London, 1964, No. 72
William Rubin, (ed.), Primitivism in 20th Century Art: Affinities of the Tribal and the Modern, New York, 1984, Cat. 441 (not exhibited)
Susan Mullin Vogel, African Aesthetics. The Carlo Monzino Collection, New York, 1986, pp. 190-192, Cat. 139
Ezio Bassani and Malcolm D. McLeod, Jacob Epstein Collector, Milan, 1989, p. 125, Fig. 349
Ezio Bassani, (ed.), La Grande Scultura dell’Africa Nera, Florence, 1989, Cat. 149
Tom Phillips, (ed.), Africa: The Art of a Continent, Munich/New York, 1995, Cat. 2.33
Ezio Bassani and Jean-Louis Paudrat, ‘Carl Einstein - La sculpture nègre’, in: L'Harmattan, Montreal/Paris, 1998, Figs. 7-11
Ezio Bassani (ed.), Capolavori da un continente, Firenze, 2003, p. 127, Cat. 1.77
Ezio Bassani, (ed.), Arts of Africa: 7000 Years of African Art, Monaco, 2005, p. 391, Cat. 26
Chantal Dandrieu and Fabrizio Giovagnoni, Passion d'Afrique. L'Art Africain dans les Collections Italiennes, Milan, 2009, p. 73, pl. 25
Alisa LaGamma, ‘La vision de Nelson A.Rockefeller: à la poursuite du 'meilleur' dans les arts d'Afrique, d'Océanie et d'Amérique’, in : Tribal Art Magazine, 69, 2013, p. 85, fig. 7


Acquired from Entwistle by
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York